Beer ... or flowers?! … by the well know romanian author Adrian Dumitru

We can clearly understand .... as humans ... who we really are ... only in certain conditions.

Especially ... when we have 2 options ... but we can make only one choice.

I saw that at myself ... too.

And ... not only one time.

The next second i make the choice ... i understand what i really want ... or what are the fears which are dominating my soul.

Yesterday ... i was in the supermarket.

Near me ... a guy ... around 45-50 ... with some flowers in his right hand ... stops at the beer section ... looks for 10-15 seconds ... takes the a pack ... of 10 boxes .... and abandon the flowers in there.

Most certainly ... he clearly had to make a decision.

Flowers ... or beer?!

He had money only ... for 1 of his desires.

Could make his woman ... a surprise.

Or .... make himself ... happy.

Or ... maybe they drink the beer together.

But ... is funny.

I look at him ... and i smile.



Most certainly ... he loves alcohol ... more than he loves ... his woman.

The episode itself ... even if it looks insignificant ... reveals ... the level of his actual evolution.

Few years ago ... i would do ... maybe ... the same as him.

Today ... cause i don't drink alcohol anymore ... i would not do such a thing.

Unfortunately ... i would not buy the flowers either.

... cause i see the things ... much clear.

Much ... much .... clear.

No beer.

No flowers.

Not bothering to make anyone happy.

Not ... even my own silly soul.

The episode from the supermarket ... is funny.

The guy ... also.

I see myself ... in him.

But ... also ... hate i was into such a position.

And ... am happy i am changed.

Still .... many would ask ... why between beer and flowers ... you choose to donate that small amount to the pauper which is in front of the supermarket ... knowing that most probably he will buy beer with those money ... to forget his unhappiness?!

Well ... first of all .... cause i don't drink anymore.

So ... why should i buy flowers?!

Cause ... I have ... clearance of mind today.

And ... see that glamour of love ... just as illusory.

Alcohol ... changed my perceptions.

Quit drinking ... also.


I've wrote 20 books with love essays under the influence of an amazing wine ... but today ... i wouldn't do it anymore.

Yes ... I've changed....




Download the book ”What do you want?!

philosophical essays” written by the romanian writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.


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